Internet Trends

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Your Dealers Predicted to Triple Their Spend on Websites

October 14, 2009

Borrell and Associates has come out with another report indicating that small and medium-sized business (your dealers) are going to be spending more money online in the coming years, “SMBs are collectively poised to plow billions of dollars into their own websites,” according to the report. The definition of non-ad marketing is spending on a […]

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Social Media Increases Email Usage

October 6, 2009

At first you might think that heavy social media users would use email less because they found another way to communicate but a recent informal study from The Nielsen Company found the opposite to be true. It starts to make sense that it would increase email usage because so many of the Facebook and other […]

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Spending on Internet Advertising Outpaces Television

October 1, 2009

Ok, it’s in the U.K. and not the U.S. but it is still a major milestone when Internet advertising spending exceeds television advertising spending, even if it is in another country. The Internet spend this year is at 23.5% of all advertising spending and television came in at 21.9% of marketing budgets. They expected this […]

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Average viewer watches 10 hours of online video in August

September 30, 2009

The first message I take away from comScore’s Video Metrix service report for August is that I’m not an average viewer.  But over 161 million people watched online videos in August and the average viewer watched for 10 hours. Over 25 billion videos were viewed and Google sites alone showed 10 billion of them (that’s […]

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Print Ad Connects to Microsite Through Phone…Cool

September 24, 2009

Right now I feel that most brands are overwhelmed with the pace of technology and are way behind in building and using the tools we need to deliver a good message to an online consumer.  Google Local Search has a fantastic ROI and brand managers just can’t seem to move their companies to take advantage […]

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Social Media Revolution

September 23, 2009

This new video was posted Sept. 7th and referenced at the QuantumDigital Marketing Innovation & Discovery Summit last week by Jeffrey Stewart.  “Social Media Revolution” puts all the buzz about social media into perspective.  It moves fast and is worth a view or two. Click here to play..

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Government Stimulates Broadband Usage

September 22, 2009

More than $6 billion from the government’s stimulus package is to be spent on increasing and improving broadband usage.  So here’s what the future now looks like for broadband. In 2008 we’re at about 70% of households having broadband increasing to over 90% in 2013. We should be beyond thinking about helping local retailers promote […]

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Penetration of Online Media Surpasses Traditional for SMBs

September 21, 2009

The Kelsey Group is reporting that for the first time they see the penetration of online media usage surpassing traditional media for small businesses. We’ve seen this phenomenon reported in several different studies recently.  Most often it’s attributed to the recession and that retailers are looking more critically at their advertising expenditures and are finding […]

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Cost-per-Lead Benchmark Study

September 15, 2009

The better our metrics become the more we realize how precious each lead is.  Here is a benchmark study from Pontiflex that you may find helpful when measuring your own program. They define basic fields as first name, last name, e-mail address and postal address.  Premium information is telephone number, social networking username, geo-targeted information […]

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CTR for Facebook

September 11, 2009

I was on a speaker’s panel earlier this week and the hot topic was social media.  I was surprised at the number of people in a room full of mature marketing, technical and manufacturing people who had Facebook pages, just about everyone. We discussed the value of brands being on Facebook and not surprisingly the […]

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