With over 70% of consumers doing their pre-buy shopping research online, durable goods manufacturers might think selling direct to consumers online is an effective way to increase profits.
Although the manufacturer is in the best position to arm consumers with reasons to buy its brand, and to help them select the product that will best meet their needs, most manufacturers don’t have the infrastructure to deliver products to a consumer’s home. The return on such an investment may never be realized.
Partnering with a white-glove-delivery supplier might solve that problem but still manufacturers can’t risk alienating profitable dealer channels by competing with them for the sale.
Instead, with collaborative e-commerce, manufacturers can sell directly to consumers online while letting the dealer fulfil the order.
Check out our white paper to find out how manufacturers are selling online without channel conflict.
How Manufacturers Are Winning the “Who Owns The Customer” Argument While Increasing Dealer Sales, Maintaining Control of the Brand Message and Satisfying Customer Demand for Product Information and Buying Online
This White Paper will show you how savvy manufacturers are using the Web to shift the balance of power in their favor, and create a win-win scenario with their best retail partners.