Here’s an interesting report that should be of great importance to local retailers, yet they probably will never run across it. It’s from an article on
The Closer Users Are To A Business, The More Likely They Are To Click Through A Mobile Banner Ad For That Business
It all makes perfect sense:
- Making ads more valuable and effective: Advertisers pay a premium for location-enabled ad impressions. Data from several mobile ad networks and ad exchanges tell the same story: location-enabled ads see a lift in CPMs, or cost per thousand impressions. Also, the simple fact of a user being physically close to a business, within two miles or so, gives a significant lift to click-through rates on mobile banner ads, according to a 2012 study of clicks on AT&T’s YPlocal mobile advertising network.
Brand managers in charge of local marketing and co-op funds should be spreading the word about studies like this and, more importantly, be providing the tools their retailers need to build, place, host and track mobile ads.
It’s not just that retailers don’t see studies like this but they are also too busy to understand what to do. That’s where a great brand with a great ad builder comes in to take advantage of new media.
Mobile is where buyer and seller meet on purpose and that’s a wonderful place for local advertisers to spend their ad money.
We can make that happen.