Where To Spend Your Digital Ad Dollars in 2013

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Lots of discussion about moving ad dollars to digital and where to spend those dollars.  Here’s a chart from eMarketer.com that predicts where the digital emphasis will be in the coming years.

digital ad spend


From the post:

eMarketer estimates that marketers will spend $37.31 billion on digital advertising in 2012. Digital ad spending will rise 16.6% this year, and will experience double-digit growth through 2014.  Combined, Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft, Facebook and AOL will take in $23.9 billion in ad revenues, representing nearly two-thirds of total digital ad spending this year.

And, not surprisingly search and display will lead the way again in the best places to spend your digital ad dollars:

Search continues to be the leading digital ad spending format, although its share will begin to drop this year as the shares of rich media, sponsorships and video increase.

Display ad spending, which includes banner ads, video, rich media and sponsorships, will rise from 40.2% of total digital ad spending in 2012 to 45.6% of the total in 2016. Search’s share of total digital ad spending will decrease from 47.1% in 2012 to 44.2% in 2016. Combined, spending on paid search and display advertising will account for more than 87% of all US digital ad spending this year.

By definition research on paid digital neglects to document the value and effect of free digital exposures to consumers.  When you add in the value of your dealers having landing pages filled with your content on their sites, when you link those landing pages to your dealer locator results, when dealers can post your content to their Facebook pages, the need to have a local digital strategy is obvious.

The good news is that once you add building a customized landing page to your ad builder where you can host the page and track the results for you dealers, you have the center piece of a local digital strategy.

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