As a marketer you have a lot on your plate already and I know it’s difficult to just manage business in this economic environment without having to worry about the way local advertising is changing. Well, here’s another sign that doing business the way you’ve always have done business just won’t work anymore.
Facebook for the first time ever beat Yahoo for unique site visitors in January and therefore takes over second place to Google. Google passed Yahoo way, way back in 2008.
If you’re involved in local or retail advertising for your dealers then you have to be at least experimenting in social media and you should already be implementing local online search campaigns and local banner adverting campaigns with your retailers right now.
We think adding that functionality to your adbuilder for dealers is the best, smartest, fastest and least expensive way to participate in the new media and prepare yourself to move to whatever proves popular for consumers next. The content needed for a landing page or a Facebook fan page isn’t that much different than what it takes to build a local newspaper ad. And, they should all be carrying the same message and promotion simultaneously.
Sorry to say, this isn’t a good time to rest on your laurels.