On Saturday, 11 people from JGSullivan participated in Chicago Cares 2009, the 16th year of the event, which is Chicago’s largest day of service.
After our team checked in and participated in the opening rally, we gathered together and rode on school buses to Henry O. Tanner Elementary School. Once we arrived, we met with Chicago Cares organizers and school officials, who gave us an introduction to the school.
We split up into teams and spread out around the school, tackling different projects. While some people painted the cafeteria, others painted classrooms. Some of us painted stairwells and railings while others built benches to be used outdoors on the grounds.
It was great to see people from all over pitching in to help improve one of Chicago’s public schools, and even better to see the final results. When the principal teared up when she saw how the cafeteria had been transformed from a drab beige to a vibrant tangerine, we knew that the work was well worth it.
Chicago Cares sponsors other types of service around Chicago year-round. We at JGSullivan find volunteering richly rewarding, and hope that you find the time to volunteer in your local communities.